The world is a massive place that needs protection.
When service members prepare to leave the military, there are questions for some as to what they will do next.
Overseas security jobs are ideal for the former military because the duties and skills fit right into the training soldiers have already received.
Working security overseas also requires excellent discipline, attention to detail, organization, and other hallmark characteristics of ex-military.
Learn more about overseas security jobs and if the career path is the right fit for you, ex-military or not.
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3 Common Overseas Security Jobs
The career path accommodates former service members, yet is not restricted to just ex-military.
There are several different career paths to consider under the broad term of overseas security jobs.
The three most common overseas security jobs are related to:
Security is best defined as procedures followed or measures taken to ensure the safety of a state or organization.
Therefore, providing security may exist in many different forms.
Personal security is hired for anything from asset protection to counter-terrorism.
Overseas companies of all sizes will hire security to help make sure their assets are not bothered and personnel is protected.
#1. Maritime Security

Maritime Security, often shortened to the term MARSEC, involves security agendas related to domain in the sea.
International waters are often a source of controversy whether it is countries fighting over power control or issues like piracy.
Overseas security jobs related to maritime security are generally divided into four different types of work:
- National Security
- Marine Environment
- Economic Development
- Human Security
Regardless of the chosen career path, you will fill an important need in international waters.
Maritime security private contractors have challenging responsibilities yet earn terrific pay because of their niche services.
The five most common types of maritime security jobs are related to:
- Anti-Piracy
- Static Security
- Security Consultant
- Logistics
- Vessel Recovery
Similar Military Occupational Specialties (MOS)
While it is possible to land a private contractor position in overseas security without military service, it does help to have it on your resume.
There is plenty of crossover between the military (especially the Navy and Marine Corps) and maritime security.
Navy SEAL members are highly qualified for a number of positions after leaving the military, perhaps none quite as relevant as maritime security.
Additionally, Navy Visit, Board, Search, Seizure (VBSS) team members, and Navy Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen (SWCC) make outstanding candidates for maritime security.
There are a few other Navy combat positions that have a lot of crossover appeal to maritime security jobs like anti-piracy, static security, and security consultants.
Related Article – 5 Maritime Security Jobs
#2. Executive Protection

Executive protection (EP), or close protection, is security that is provided to high profile clients such as politicians and celebrities.
Close protection is considered more advanced compared to basic security, like being a bodyguard at a club, since high profile clients are exposed to an elevated risk of danger.
Executive protection training teaches new contractors to learn risk mitigation measures that will keep VIP clients safe regardless of the circumstances.
Executive protection includes everything from setting up home security systems and managing a team of agents, to using armored vehicles and private jet travel for safety reasons.
Private military contractors are also taught how to survey maps and plan routes, create vehicle scramble plans, screen mail, conduct background checks, and other precautionary measures.
Of course, one of the biggest responsibilities of the job is protecting high-profile clients and their family members.
Private firms that represent VIP clients like to hire former military and law enforcement because they already have a lot of the skills required for the job.
Regardless, you will still want to consider enrolling in an executive protection training program to make sure you receive all the licensing and permits related to where you work.
Executive protection is its own highly sophisticated field within the private security industry.
Private military contractors are capable of providing outstanding marksmanship, getaway driving, coordination of transportation, first aid, and personal protection.
Similar Military Occupational Specialties (MOS)
There are several Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) that have relevant job skills and can prepare you for a career in executive protection.
Some of the most obvious are Army Infantryman (MOS 11B), Marine Recon (MOS 0321), and Navy SEAL team members.
Any combat position in the U.S. Army, Navy, or Marine Corps translates well since executive protection jobs require marksmanship, discipline, attention to detail, and ability to stay calm under pressure.
Related Article: Personal Security / Executive Protection Training
#3. Logistics

There are plenty of overseas security jobs that don’t involve handling a firearm or providing static security.
In fact, logistics is one of the most crucial to overseas security even if it gets overlooked.
It is also a fantastic career path to consider if you have never served in the military as the industry employs plenty of workers without experience.
Logistics is best defined as “the detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation.”
In other words, massive international companies rely on logistics to make sure day-to-day operations are carried out effectively and successfully.
Security is part of logistics because corporations want to protect their assets.
Logistics includes everything from the point of origin of products or people to the final point of consumption.
Throughout that journey supplies and people are often transported across land, sea, or air.
Logistics helps keep good safe, and can also extend over to protecting personnel.
The overseas security jobs in logistics include everything from warehousing (shipping and receiving), production, packaging, transportation, and security.
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Similar Military Occupational Specialties (MOS)
There are several military-related specialties that have to do with logistics and/or security.
All branches of the U.S. Armed Forces have logistics experts that maintain supply lines and distribute items to personnel.
Some of the most relevant Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) for overseas security logistics include:
- Logistics Specialists (LS)
- Airborne and Air Delivery Specialists (MOS 0451)
- Logistics/Embarkation Specialists (MOS 0431)
- Marine Aviation Supply Specialists (MOS 6672)
- Army Automated Logistical Specialists (MOS 92A).
As previously mentioned, while a career in the military does help you land a job in overseas security it is not mandatory.
There are several people that receive private contractor jobs, especially in logistics, without military experience.
Frequently Asked Questions

To get a better sense of what’s expected in overseas security employment opportunities, we’ve put together this short (but important!) list of frequently asked questions.
If you have a question that hasn’t been specifically addressed here, feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page.
How much do overseas security jobs pay?
Overseas security jobs traditionally pay very lucratively.
There are several reasons why private military contractor jobs pay well.
First, it is based on location.
Jobs that require U.S. citizens to travel extensively or live in remote places for months at a time, reward employees financially because of the inconvenience.
However, if you haven’t yet started a family or love to travel than an overseas job is perfect for your interests.
Secondly, since these jobs have to do with security there is the element of hazard pay.
Maritime security jobs or executive protection jobs involve putting your life on the line.
How many jobs can you think of where you might not make it home that night in one piece?
People that work security understand the risks and dangers associated with the work and are reward handsomely with pay.
While your pay in overseas security will vary based on the exact job title and company, you can expect salaries starting at $50,000 per year.
However, it is not uncommon to quickly ascend the ranks and earn six figures a year in overseas security.
There are several private military contractors (PMCs) that earn $200,000 or more a year, depending on the level of danger involved.
Furthermore, many (but not all) private military contractor jobs are tax-free which is a huge incentive.
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Can I qualify if I haven’t served in the military?
Yes, one of the best features about overseas security jobs is you don’t need a ton of experience for certain positions.
While it helps to be former military in jobs like executive protection and overseas static security it is not mandatory.
You can even receive executive protection training without having prior experience in law enforcement or the military.
Logistics is one of the best overseas security career paths for people that haven’t served in the military.
Though the jobs are still essential to the safety and security of supplies and personnel, it usually doesn’t require you to carry a gun or potentially engage in armed conflicts.
Law enforcement and first responders also make outstanding candidates for overseas security jobs because of relevant skills and responsibilities.
Are there any entry-level jobs?
Absolutely, getting into overseas security provides one of the best opportunities for advancement in a career path.
In fact, it is actually really similar to serving in the U.S. Armed Forces because you enter the ranks at the entry-level and have to work your way up.
Though it is possible to earn six figures for overseas private contract work you need to exercise patience.
Most available private overseas security jobs are entry-level and lower-paying between $50,000 to $75,000 per year.
However, like the military, you can earn promotions through dedication and hard work.
Contractors must build a reputation and credentials for private firms to prove their abilities and reliability.
So with a little patience and hard work you can make a killing in overseas security.
Where can I find an overseas security job?
Since private military contractor jobs are not regularly advertised it is difficult to find places/companies that are seeking new candidates.
Over the last couple of decades, overseas private security jobs have really increased in demand.
As a result, a lot of major international security firms have become prominent.
Some of the most legitimate and reputable include:
- Academi
- Airscan
- DynCorp
- GK Sierra
- L-3 Communications
- MVM Inc.
- Northrop Grumman
- Raytheon
- Vinnell Corporation
You also may find overseas security jobs posted on job sites like,,,,,, and
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Overseas security jobs are the future for some service members that recently completed their tour of duty.
Security jobs translate well with ex-military because many of the job skills and requirements are comparable to Military Occupational Specialties (MOS).
Whether you have served in the military or not, it is worthwhile to consider a career in overseas security.
These rewarding jobs can earn you unparalleled opportunities and experience.
You can explore the world, earn amazing pay, and provide a worthwhile service to an international company.
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