I was recently in prison from 2010 to 2018 for resisting arrest, obstructing, assault. I have 3 felonies such as…
On Can You Join The Military With A Felony?
can you travel around the world if you join the navy ?
On 5 Best Combat Jobs In The US Navy
Why isn't there a list for questions to ask a National Guard recruiter or a Coast Guard recruiter?
On 41 Questions To Ask A Military Recruiter
I was convicted of a conspiracy to commit grand theft 7 yrs ago do I have a good chance of…
On Can You Join The Military With A Felony?
I’m 32 with a bachelors and my commercial fixed wing pilot ratings with 1,100hrs. Would I have a shot with…
On Air Force Age Limit For 2023
Rob V., you need to take a minute and think carefully about what you are doing, here. The National Purple…
On How To Check If Someone Was A Navy SEAL
Hello, I am 37 years old and thinking of joining the airforce once I am done with my Bachelor's degree…
On Air Force Age Limit For 2023
Hi so I was convicted of a domestic violence charge in 2016 I did not know that this would take…
On Can You Join The Military With A Felony?
Fyi, Lowe's NO longer offers the military/Veterans discount online. As with Home Depot, consumers must make purchases in-store to qualify…
On Lowe’s Military Discount For 2023: 10% Off (+Veterans Day Info)
hello I'm 39 years old, can I enter air force I am Computer Technician..
On Air Force Age Limit For 2023