I also just found out about the change in military discount. Have also bought thousands of dollars of merchandise from…
On Lowe’s Military Discount For 2023: 10% Off (+Veterans Day Info)
I was at Home Depot today, as I have done many times before, to buy several items. This time however,…
On Home Depot Military Discount
I was declined my 10% discount today due to the fact that my VA card did not say “service connected”…
On Home Depot Military Discount
I was purchasing a new clothes dryer at Home Depot. I asked for a military discount. She asked to see…
On Home Depot Military Discount
A slight error on the Delta training time line - all of that is AFTER they have already become Green…
On Delta Force vs. Navy SEALs
Our unit worked with Koth and his team in Iraq (we were the 5th engineer bn). He was a stand…
On BUD/S Class 234: Where Are They Now?
Went to Bealls store #052 on 441 in West Palm to purchase a piece of luggage. Showed the manager the…
On Bealls Military Discount
Thank you much, Rob. I guess I'll contact him to see if there are things the local PX is out…
On 101 Military Care Package Ideas
I watched that documentary at least 10 times and wondered what happened to them as well. Thank you for doing…
On BUD/S Class 234: Where Are They Now?
My son just arrived in fort sill Oklahoma 12/30/19 still crying 😿😿😿😿😿 is like 4 months I miss him so…
On How Hard Is Army Basic Training? One Soldier Tells His Story