military age limits for 2020
General Military Questions

Military Age Limits For 2023

Are you considering joining the U.S. Armed Forces?

Serving in the U.S. military is one of the most rewarding things you can do in your life.

If you are older and thinking about joining, you may wonder what the maximum allowable age is for enlistment.

This article breaks down the military age limits for 2023 by branch.

Military Age Limits for 2023

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The U.S. Armed Forces impose age limits to make sure new recruits are physically and mentally capable of serving the country in demanding situations. Image: Needpix

What is the maximum allowable age for enlistment?

It depends on the military branch.

Furthermore, some military jobs have different age requirements depending on specific demands.

Here is a table that explains the basic age groups the United States Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy allow:

ArmyNavyAir Force Marine CorpsCoast Guard
Active Duty17 - 3517 - 4117 - 3917 - 2817 - 35
Reserve17 - 3517 - 41 17 - 3917 - 2817 - 40
Guard17 - 35N/A17 - 39N/AN/A
Service Academies17-2317 - 2317 - 2317 - 2317 - 22

Now, there is a LOT more to this than meets the eye.

For example, some jobs (such as flight officer) in the military have a different age cut-off.

Related Article: Which Branch Of The Military Should I Join? 7 Things To Consider

Additionally, it also depends on other factors, including:

  • Whether you’re going for active duty or reserves.
  • Whether or not you’ve previously served in the military.
  • If you’re joining as an officer or enlisted.

Below, we explain in detail, the age limits for each branch of the military:

U.S. Army Age Limits

army age limit
There are many reasons to consider joining the most popular branch in the military, Image:

The United States Army has over 480,000 active-duty soldiers.

It is by far the largest military branch in terms of enrollment.

The second biggest branch (U.S. Navy) has more than 130,000 fewer active-duty service members.

Additionally, the Army National Guard contributes to another 330,000 personnel.

When you account for 180,000 Army Reservists as well as 300,000 civilian personnel, you have more than 1.2 million members.

Here are the minimum and maximum ages required to join the U.S. Army:


Minimum Age: 17 years old (with parental consent)
Maximum Age: 35 years old


Minimum Age: 18 years old
Maximum Age: Less than 31 years old*

*You must be under 31 in the year of your commissioning as an officer.

Army Reserves Age Limits

The minimum and maximum ages for the Army Reserves and National Guard are the same:


Minimum Age: 17 years old (with parental consent)
Maximum Age: 35 years old


Minimum Age: 18 years old
Maximum Age: 31 years old

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U.S. Navy Age Limits

navy age limit
The U.S. Navy offers many advantages. Sailors range from their teens to age 40 in terms of new recruits. Image: Flickr

The United States Navy is an impressive fleet, even if it’s only the second-biggest military branch in the country.

The U.S. Navy has over 340,000 active duty seamen.

It also has a very large reserve component with more than 57,000 personnel.

The Navy employs close to 195,000 civilian workers.

Here are the minimum and maximum ages required to join the U.S. Navy:


Minimum Age: 17 years old (with parental consent)
Maximum Age: 41 years old


Minimum Age: 19 years old
Maximum Age: Less than 42 years old*

*Depends on officer specialty. Waivers are sometimes granted for high-demand positions, such as Information Systems Technicians or Nuclear Operations.

Navy Reserves Age Limits

Here are the minimum and maximum ages required to join the U.S. Navy (Reserves):


Minimum Age: 17 years old
Maximum Age: 41 years old


Minimum Age: 18 years old
Maximum Age: 42 years old

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U.S. Air Force Age Limits

air force age limit
The U.S. Air Force is one of the more desirable military branches to join for its lifestyle and other perks. Image: Needpix

The United States Air Force has over 320,000 active-duty airmen.

It also employs 108,000 Air National Guard and an additional 70,000 reservists.

Lastly, the U.S. Air Force has over 145,000 civilian employees.

The military branch is third in terms of active enrollment behind the Army and Navy.

Here are the minimum and maximum ages required to join the U.S. Air Force:


Minimum Age: 17 years old (with parental consent)
Maximum Age: 39 years old


Minimum Age: 18 years old
Maximum Age: 39 years old*

*Certain healthcare-related or ministry jobs allow you to be up to 48 years of age.

Air Force Reserves Age Limits

The Air Force has similar minimum and maximum age limits as active duty service:


Minimum Age: 18 years old 
Maximum Age: 39 years old


Minimum Age: 18 years old
Maximum Age: 39 years old*

*Certain healthcare-related or ministry jobs allow you to be up to 48 years of age.

U.S. Marine Corps Age Limits

age limit for military
The Marine Corps is one of the smallest military branches and difficult to get accepted. Its age limits are universal between active duty and reserves. Image: Headquarters Marine Corps

The United States Marine Corps has 180,000 active duty service members.

It’s a competitive military branch to join and the second smallest.

Additionally, the Marine Corps utilizes 36,000 reserve personnel.

The Marine Corps has straightforward rules for their age limits:


Minimum Age: 17 years old (with parental consent)
Maximum Age: 28 years old


Minimum Age: 20 years old
Maximum Age: 28 years old

Marine Corps Reserves Age Limits

The minimum and maximum age limits for the Marine Corps Reserve are the same as the active-duty counterpart:


Minimum Age: 17 years old (with parental consent)
Maximum Age: 28 years old


Minimum Age: 20 years old
Maximum Age: 28 years old

U.S. Coast Guard Age Limits

coast guard age limit
The U.S. Coast Guard often gets overlooked yet is crucial to maritime enforcement and coastal defense. Image: Wikimedia Commons

The United States Coast Guard has over 41,000 active-duty personnel.

There is a small reserve fraction of approximately 7,800 members.

The Coast Guard also employs a sizable civilian workforce.

Overall, the U.S. Coast Guard is the smallest of the military branches (not counting the recently created Space Force).

Here are the minimum and maximum ages required to join the U.S. Coast Guard:


Minimum Age: 17 years old (with parental consent)
Maximum Age: 42 years old


Minimum Age: 21 years old (with parental consent)
Maximum Age: 36 – 41 years old*

*Age limits for commissioning depending on career field.

Coast Guard Reserves Age Limits

Here are the minimum and maximum age limits:


Minimum Age: 17 years old (with parental consent)
Maximum Age: 42 years old


Minimum Age: 17 years old
Maximum Age: 40 years old

Related Article:  20 Reasons to Join the Military (and 7 reasons not to)


The military age limits for 2023 provide a framework for how many years you have to enlist before it’s too late.

The U.S. Armed Forces cap the age you are allowed to join because of intense physical demands.

Before you enlist, you should consult with family and friends about the critical decision.

You can also speak to a local military recruiter for more information about what you need to do before boot camp, or officer training school, to qualify.


Rob V.
Military Age Limits

Military Age Limits

4.8 out of 5 (41 Ratings)

Find out what the age limits are for each branch of the military, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.
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