It took quite some time before women could serve in the Armed Forces, and when they did, the regulations were clear that pregnancy meant a discharge from military service. These days, you can be pregnant in the military without losing … Click Here To Read the rest
Honor, Courage, Commitment: US Navy Core Values
The US Navy has been around for a really long time, nearly 248 years as of the time of this writing.
The words honor, courage, and commitment don’t get tossed around easily.
Their meaning, and the impetus behind them, create … Click Here To Read the rest
Air Force Requirements for Males and Females
Before joining, you likely need a run-down of the Air Force requirements for enlistment.
The Air Force pre-screens potential recruits through their recruiters before sending them to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS).
However, knowing the Air Force … Click Here To Read the rest
Army Chapter 11: 5 Things You Need to Know
Most recruits go into the Army with the best of intentions. However, in the early days of service, some soldiers wonder about the Army Chapter 11 discharge.
There are several different types of discharges or separations from the Army, but … Click Here To Read the rest
10 Army Facts for Kids
The Army has a long history that pre-dates the official start of the United States, and some of these Army facts for kids might come as a surprise.
From the beginning of the Army during the Revolutionary War to the … Click Here To Read the rest