Rob V. is the founder of While he never actually served in the US Military, he has a passion for writing about military related topics.
Born and raised in Woodbridge, NJ, he graduated from the New Jersey Institute Of Technology with an MBA in eCommerce. His hobbies include beach volleyball, target shooting, and lifting.
Rob is also a Commercially rated pilot and Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), with over 1,500 hours of flight time.
Rosetta Stone is a software that teaches new languages to its users, through discs and online programs.
They offer a military discount on their products to give back to those who serve.
Click Here to jump straight to the discount … Click Here To Read the rest
Army Carpentry and Masonry Specialists (MOS 12W) deal with general construction, as the name implies.
Army MOS 12W Specialists are skilled at working on heavy carpentry and masonry projects.
Soldiers need to adapt to their surroundings and often construct infrastructure … Click Here To Read the rest
People generally associate the Army with land and the Navy with the sea, but did you know the Army has its own dive team?
Most new recruits do not realize that Army Divers (MOS 12D) exist as a Military Occupational … Click Here To Read the rest
Army All Source Intelligence (MOS 35D) officers are responsible for collecting information from multiple sources.
AOC 35D, or Area of Concentration, is the area that all Military Intelligence officers begin their career in.
As they advance, they may require additional … Click Here To Read the rest