Rob V. is the founder of While he never actually served in the US Military, he has a passion for writing about military related topics.
Born and raised in Woodbridge, NJ, he graduated from the New Jersey Institute Of Technology with an MBA in eCommerce. His hobbies include beach volleyball, target shooting, and lifting.
Rob is also a Commercially rated pilot and Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), with over 1,500 hours of flight time.
If you’ve visited our site lately, you’ve probably noticed that we’ve been researching a ton about military discounts.
OMK got in touch with some of the largest restaurant chains in the US to find out if they have a military … Click Here To Read the rest
A military school or academy is a specialized institution that teaches academics while also preparing candidates for service in the officer corps.
Admittance to military schools is highly sought after due to their prestige. Students receive a top-notch education while … Click Here To Read the rest
Military spouses face unique challenges. Many military families look for military spouse support groups because of deployments, changes in duty stations, and other sudden changes to the military family lifestyle.
Military families remain strong by having access to support groups, … Click Here To Read the rest
The United States Air Force (USAF) has a proud tradition that may not date back as far as other military branches yet is significant.
Air Force uniform regulations are one of the many ways that the military branch looks respectful … Click Here To Read the rest
Air Force Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) specialists embed with U.S. Army and Marine units throughout troubled spots in the world. It is the responsibility of the TACP (commonly pronounced as ‘TAC-P’) to call in an air strike on the … Click Here To Read the rest