Rob V. is the founder of While he never actually served in the US Military, he has a passion for writing about military related topics.
Born and raised in Woodbridge, NJ, he graduated from the New Jersey Institute Of Technology with an MBA in eCommerce. His hobbies include beach volleyball, target shooting, and lifting.
Rob is also a Commercially rated pilot and Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), with over 1,500 hours of flight time.
Where are the best places to buy AOD 9604, TB-500, and Sermorelin?
The 3 peptides are making a lot of noise for their ability to stimulate muscle growth, weight loss, and anti-aging properties.
However, since many peptides remain outside the … Click Here To Read the rest
Military basic training is either nerve-wracking or thrilling, depending on how you perceive it.
As a result, it helps to understand the guidelines established for basic training showers, food, and haircuts.
Basic training varies slightly depending on the military branch. … Click Here To Read the rest
‘Full Metal Jacket’ is one of the most iconic military films of all-time.
It’s evident by the amount of people (both military and civilian) that can recite the best ‘Full Metal Jacket’ quotes.
The 1987 war drama was a huge … Click Here To Read the rest
The United States Navy manages an impressive lineup of aircraft and fighter jets in addition to its naval fleet.
There are many different types of Navy aircraft to learn about depending on what role it serves in the military.
For … Click Here To Read the rest
Peptides offer incredible potential regarding muscle growth, weight loss, healing, and recovery.
As a result, customers often ask: “Where are the best places to buy CJC-1295, PT-141, or Ipamorelin?”
Shoppers can search for peptides from a wide range of companies … Click Here To Read the rest