Army All Source Intelligence (AOC 35D)

Army All Source Intelligence (MOS 35D): Career Details

Army All Source Intelligence (MOS 35D) officers are responsible for collecting information from multiple sources.

AOC 35D, or Area of Concentration, is the area that all Military Intelligence officers begin their career in.

As they advance, they may require additional AOC training to enter into specialty areas.

Qualifications and Training

MOS 35D is a position that is available for Active Duty, Reserve and National Guard officers.

Entering into the Army as an officer will require being a US Citizen.

You also must have your high school diploma.

If you have a bachelor’s degree, you can attend Officer Candidate School or take the path of Direct Commission.

If you have not earned your college degree you can take the path of Army ROTC or attend the United States Military Academy to become an officer.

A college degree is required by the time you become a commissioned officer.

Becoming a Military Intelligence Officer requires completing the Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course at Fort Huachuca, AZ.

Skills that are helpful:

  • Ability to perform both physically and mentally under pressure
  • Quick decision making
  • Multi-tasking abilities
  • Confidence, intelligence and self-discipline

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What Does An Army All Source Intelligence Officer Do?

Army All Source Intelligence
Army soldiers who specialize in military intelligence provide a briefing. Image:

An Army All Source Intelligence Officer performs collection of information.

They are responsible for directing, supervising and coordinating tasks.

This includes the planning, collection, fusion, production, evaluation and analysis of information.

It also includes dissemination of information.

This is called the Army intelligence four step process.

The four steps include plan, direct, collect, produce and disseminate.

The other tasks, analyze and assess, are considered continuing activities to the four steps.

Individuals in this position are called an all-source officer because they will work with all areas of intelligence providing multidisciplinary collection management.

Intelligence includes:

  • IMINT- Imagery Intelligence
  • SIGINT- Signals Intelligence
  • HUMINT/CI- Human Intelligence Collector
  • OSINT- Open Source Intelligence
  • MASINT- Measurement and Signature Intelligence

They work in Joint, Inter-agency and Multinational (JIM) areas.

All Source Intelligence Officers will coordinate surveillance and reconnaissance activities.

When on the battlefield, they will supervise and perform intelligence preparation of the battlefield.

They will use a variety of computer programming systems and automated intelligence data processing systems.

Because their position covers so many areas, they must be skilled in the tools and equipment used in each area.

Part of the All Source Intelligence Officer’s job is to provide advice.

They provide advice on the use of intelligence resources.

Intelligence officers assess the risks with any friendly or enemy courses of action.

They work to counter and neutralize threats.

They also advise the commander and subordinate units on information about the enemy such as locations or future plans in addition to information regarding weather or terrain.

Their job is to use the various intelligence systems and data collected and provide information to enhance the commander’s situational understanding.

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What Does An Army Military Intelligence Officer Get Paid?

Army officer pay relies on rank and time in service.

Your path to becoming an officer and education can play a role in what your rank is upon commissioning.

As a Second Lieutenant, you will receive just over $3,000 a month in base pay with no prior experience.

This amount could be lower during training.

Follow the base pay table below.

InsigniaPay GradeRankAbbreviationMinimum Monthly Pay
O-1Second Lieutenant2LT$3,637.20
O-2First Lieutenant1LT$4,190.70
O-5Lieutenant ColonelLTC$6,393.30
O-7Brigadier GeneralBG$10,113.00
O-8Major GeneralMG$12,170.70
O-9Lieutenant General LTG$17,201.40


Officers do not just receive base pay.

They also receive special pay, allowances, have opportunities at bonuses and access to competitive benefits.

Army special pay opportunities related to this position include special duty pay, hardship duty pay and foreign language proficiency pay.

Allowances are available for housing, meals and Military clothing.

Bonus opportunities are available for in-demand positions or recruiting timelines.

The Army has benefits that are competitive in comparison to civilian plans.

Benefits include:

  • Medical and Dental
  • Low-cost life insurance
  • Vacation
  • Sick time
  • Retirement

Job Reviews

Working as an officer in the Army has both positive and negative aspects.

Officer training provides leadership and skills that are valuable in civilian careers.

It also requires you to be a supervisor and handle additional work-loads.

Reviews of the Military Intelligence Officer position are mixed.

The common responses to reviews include that it can be rewarding, provide experience in multiple fields, but also can be hard to constantly move.

The two reviews below provide pros and cons of the position.

Army AOC 35D
Image: glassdoor
Army AOC 35D Intelligence Officer
Image: glassdoor

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Civilian Career Opportunities

Experience gained in an officer role relates to civilian management positions.

The specific job skills that one will do while working as an Army All Source Intelligence Officer relates to a variety of civilian positions.

You can find positions working as Intelligence Analysts, Management Analysts or Operation Research Analysts.

There are multiple US intelligence agencies that the skills in this career field relate to.

Those agencies include Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and more.

The computer programs that one must become proficient with in this position will provide experience working in technology fields.

In addition to related career experience, officers have the opportunity to participate in credential opportunities through the Army COOL.

These credentials assist with promotions, can be GI Bill funded and are recognized by civilian employers, leading to additional career opportunities.


Army All Source Intelligence Officer
Army Military Intelligence Battalion deploying to Afghanistan. Image:

Army All Source Intelligence (MOS 35D) are responsible for performing multidisciplinary collection of information.

They provide supervising and coordinating duties in addition to providing advice to commanders.

All Source Intelligence Officers must be familiar with all areas of intelligence.

This position requires you to become commissioned as an officer.

Reviews of Intelligence Officer positions are mixed, but note that the position can be rewarding and there is a high amount of skills learned.

Working as an All Source Intelligence Officer will provide experience related to management and intelligence work.

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35 AOC Information

Army Military Intelligence Officer Details


Rob V.
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